Although I've been physically training for the Marathon since last July when I was allowed back on to a treadmill, the last 36 hours have felt like the real beginning of this whole thing.
Finalising the set up of this blog yesterday morning was the first step. Then I went for a 10 mile run, the furthest I have gone since my doggy difficulty more than a year ago. And then, over the course of today, the moral support and pledges of money have started to come in - and at a much faster rate than I could ever have wished for at this stage.
I e-mailed my Facebook friends late yesterday afternoon asking for donations and many have already come back to say they'll help. Bless them all - it's brilliant and hopefully the beginning of a trend.
On the downside of my existence, my wife Vanessa and I are now down to just 18 more episodes of The West Wing before the whole epic is at an end. I love The West Wing (Vanessa likes it but I'm not sure there's any kind of real passion in there. I might be wrong but, you know, a man can kind of sense these things).
We (she really wasn't keen at the beginning) first started season one on DVD about three years ago and now only what's left of the seventh and final season remains. And then, who knows what's next. Conversation, perhaps? Nah, it'll never come to that.
I jest of course - no, really - because I'm feeling smiley. It's been a good start to this whole Marathon lark.
Here's hoping for more good fortune - that leads to a fortune for the two charities.
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