In exactly 11 weeks time, I will be shuffling along a road somewhere between Greenwich and The Mall in search of the London Marathon finish line.
It was a line I had hoped to cross in 2007 when, after three unsuccessful applications for a place, I finally got accepted. My plan to run had been hatched many years before that when Sebastian, who's now 10, was only about two and not at his best. But it took me quite a while after that to pluck up the courage to apply. Then the three rejections, before getting the good news - I was in!
I started putting my fundraising plans in place, stepped up the training and all was going well. Then, one Monday in mid-January, I was walking head bowed across Centenary Square in Bradford. My destination was the sandwich section at nearby Boots. I didn't make it.
As I reached the centre of the Square, I suddenly noticed, out of the corner of my eye, something dark coming towards me at speed. Next thing I knew, I was three feet in the air. As I landed, I felt severe pain in my right knee - which I later discovered to be a damaged anterior cruciate ligament. The dark thing which hit me was a fully grown Rottweiler which had been let off its lead (unlike the one in the picture which is rather sensibly wearing his) to chase pigeons. Naturally I swore loudly at its owner as I was carted off to the local A&E - it was the one bit of pleasure I had that day so I'm not apologising!
What followed was several weeks on crutches, several more weeks of physio and no 2007 London Marathon. Hopefully, come Sunday 13 April 2008, I will finally make it across that line.
Welcome to my blog, by the way. I hope you find it fun. More importantly, I hope you sponsor me.
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