Well folks, not long now.
Tomorrow morning, I set off on the 10am train from Leeds to London King's Cross. Following a quick check-in at the hotel, it's over to the ExCel Arena in Docklands to collect my number. After that, goodness knows what, although pasta (still bleugh!) will undoubtedly feature.
Come Sunday, it's breakfast at about 7am and then off to Blackheath for the start of the race at 9.45.
It would be wrong to say I'm not nervous, I am. But I'm more numb than nervous.
I say that because I'm genuinely still in shock at the amount of kindness and generosity I've witnessed at first hand over the last number of weeks and, in particular, over the last few days.
We live in an age where cynicism rules and probably with good reason. But, thanks to the scores of people who've supported Sebastian and I since we started out on our little venture in January, we've reached a level of sponsorship we had neither right nor reason to expect.
I'll get the glory on Sunday if I manage to cross that line. In reality, the glory belongs with all of you.
On behalf of us both - thank you so much.
PS I'm due back in Pudsey around Monday teatime so, if you're bored, log on to see what happened
Literally just back from somewhere sandy. Best of luck for the weekend - we will keep our fingers crossed that you do not meet any dogs on your way round! Cheque is in the post honest!
David Sherrard
Barry how are the feet. Im in Dubia on my way home for 3 weeks so im hoping maybe we can catch up either for a beer or on the phone.5Grand, i cant believe it. What an achievement. Hope to see u soon. Michael.
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